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04-10-20 PA Conference Covid-19 Update

Updated: April 10, 2020



Pennsylvania Conference COVID-19 Update – April 10, 2020

Churches Update


Governor Wolf has also closed all churches to services stating, “Individuals should not gather in religious buildings or homes for services or celebrations until the stay-at-home order is lifted.” We are excited to see our churches continuing to worship through a variety of means. Many churches are offering Sabbath School classes, prayer meetings, and vesper services through audio calls, Zoom meetings, and online through Facebook and/or YouTube. Several church members are also hosting Facebook live Sabbath School classes and classes for children during the week. (Check out our “Families United Together” Facebook group for a couple of examples.)


Churches are also seeing the opportunity to share the gospel during this time of fear and anxiety. Our Hispanic pastors have united together with a different pastor preach each night this week, April 4-11, 2020, to present an evangelistic series through Facebook. Both Pastor Brandon Senior and Pastor Dustin Hall are preaching evangelistic meetings online through Facebook.


Beginning April 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm, churches and pastors across Pennsylvania will be joining It Is Written for their “Hope Awakens” evangelistic series with Pastor John Bradshaw, director of It Is Written ministry. People who are watching in Pennsylvania and request Bible studies will be connected with the pastor in their area. Just one more way evangelism and the mission continues. 

Education Update

Governor Tom Wolf has closed all Pennsylvania schools through the end of this academic year. Our schools are following this mandate, though education has not stopped. Students are connecting with classmates and teachers for classes, worship, and prayer. Many of our elementary schools are also doing outreach/service projects in creative ways—like making cards for those in nursing home or who are ill. Or creating sidewalk to brighten their neighborhoods. Follow us on Facebook or on our Instagram page to catch a daily glimpse of our Adventist schools in action. 

Prayer Live


This week we launched our new mid-week prayer time live on our Facebook page, www.Facebook.com/PennsylvaniaConference with Pastor Shawn Shives hosting. Each Wednesday at 1:20 pm, Shawn and his co-host will share updates on how God is moving across Pennsylvania during this pandemic and pray for your prayer requests. You can see this week’s prayer time at https://www.facebook.com/PennsylvaniaConference/videos/1245945265608980/.

Shawn and our Conference team are praying for you. Share your prayer requests with us:

Unite with us in prayer:


We know that connecting with others is important, especially while we all stay safely home. It’s important to stay healthy. And those who have children at home may have bored kids at home. We want to be here for you, so we’ve started several new Facebook groups and invite you to join:

  • Staying Healthy – Join this Facebook group on our Pennsylvania Conference Facebook page and enjoy exercise videos, resources, recipes and more. Direct link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PaStayingHealthy/
  • Families United Together – A place for families to connect, find resources and activities to build strong families who love and serve God, use their gifts to serve their communities, and build strong relationships. https://www.facebook.com/groups/FamiliesUnitedTogether/
  • United in Worship – Miss our Sabbath morning worship service or during the week devotionals? We’ll archive them all in this group for easy access so that you don’t need to scroll through our page finding the video you’d like.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnitedinWorship/
  • United in Prayer – Unite with us in prayer for each other, for the ministries and needs of the conference, for the requests that come in from our website or prayer line. Currently, we’re spending two weeks praying for a different aspect of the pandemic or group of people impacted by it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/PaUnitedTogetherinPrayer/

Sabbath School and Worship


The Conference team is offering both Sabbath School classes for children, youth and adult, along with weekly Sabbath worship, and a Pathfinder Leadership Training time. Parents can contact their local pastor for login information for cradle roll (9:30 am), primaries, juniors (10:00 am), and youth (2:00 pm) Sabbath School classes along with a Pathfinder Teen Leadership Training at 1:00 pm. Your pastor will also have information for an adult Sabbath School class via Zoom. (Note we are not making the Zoom links public but have given them to pastors for safety reasons.)


While many churches are offering online worship services, the Conference leadership team is also providing a worship service each Sabbath morning at 11:00 am. It is a shortened service with few preliminaries, so members are invited to join us and invite their friends at 11:00 am. You can join us for worship in three ways:


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Visit our Facebook page for updates and information

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