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HSDA Midweek News 04/14/20

Updated: April 14, 2020


From: Bill Waring 

Hello everyone--the sun is shining and we have another day of life!  Blessings are everywhere even as we continue our newly developed "skills" of social distancing.  As Christians, we are always concerned about our neighbors and those who can be most harmed.  Jesus regularly showered special attention on those who were seen as "less than" in the society of His day.  Think about the lepers, those who were seen as "cursed by God," women, and children--all of these were given dignity and value by Jesus. Following His example, our concern is for others as well as ourselves.


Hope Awakens, the outreach that we are joining as a church, begins this Friday evening at 7pm.  Please make it a priority to register yourself  at  HopeAwakens.com  We will all be blessed by the presentations that Pastor John Bradshaw shares and will be joining the many guests from our district who are participating online.


We have invited the guests who were attending our Prophecies of Hope seminar.  There is a great deal of interest from many of them who will be able to continue hearing messages that fit together well with what Pastor Lynn has begun.  These folks are still eagerly anticipating the restart of our local meetings!  


Several prayer requests came to light during the phone calls.  Kim Airhart has a nephew in VA dealing with pneumonia.  Eva Garcia has a sister who is already under hospice care and Connie Morris is still in harms way as she sees patients.  Please add these specifics to your prayer time.


Our Wednesday evening Bible study will meet tomorrow evening at 7 pm.  Everyone is welcome to join in by clicking right here as we continue our conversation in Matthew 10-11.  We will share prayer requests and read more carefully in the Gospel story.


We've probably all seen the funny statements about coming out of this time either FITTER  OR  FATTER!  If you are not sure where to start an indoor fitness program, here is a simple 15 minute workout from YouTube by clicking here  Some light dumbbells or even canned food are all that you need.  Of course, walking and jogging give you both fresh air and sunshine along with your exercise. Preview YouTube video 15 Minute Beginner Weight Training - Easy Exercises - HASfit Beginners Workout Routine -Strength


Just know that this time that we have can be put to good use--as Kingdom ambassadors, let's utilize it in serving and preparing for the days ahead.  Consider pulling out the church directory and calling 2 people each day.  It will bring even more sunshine into their life as well as yours!