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Gettysburg Adventist Newsletter 05/09/2020

Updated: May 8, 2020


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Happy Sabbath 05/09/2020

Happy Sabbath Church!  And a very Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in our congregation!  We hope your day is full of love and surprises.

A Mother’s Love   
Of all the special joys in life,
The big ones and the small,
A mother’s love and tenderness
Is the greatest of them all.
~ Anon.



Go to Livestream May 9th to view Pastor Spangler's


Think BIG like the Holy Spirit!


May 9 at 11:10 AM




 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; 
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:9

Look what $100 can buy!



 Did you know the SCCAP (South Central Community Action Program) pantry is on overload? There is a skeleton staff managing over 650 families totaling over 1800 people. 125 new families were added in just the last month. There are very few volunteers! They are looking for people to make bagged lunches for families, most with children. IF you have compromised health or live with someone who has, please stay home, but your financial support is greatly needed.

Please make checks out to SCCAP - PANTRY in memo line. PLEASE RUSH EMERGENCY RELIEF $ TO:

153 N Stratton Street
Gettysburg, PA

OR simply use the handy-dandy SCCAP DONATE button on our church Facebook page

The Gettysburg SDA Church will be making brown bag lunches under the supervision of Brittany Noss. If you would like to help with that project please contact Brittany Noss at 717-398-5118 OR Facebook messenger . Brittany Noss will be posting on Facebook more information about that effort shortly. I will keep you posted on the BLOG for those not on FB..

Gettysburg Seventh-day Adventist Church Gettysburg Seventh-day Adventist Members that prefer to donate through our church for the brown-bag lunch program with Brittany are asked to write their check out to the Church and write in the memo line, SCCAP - ADOPT A NEIGHBOR.

SCCAP, Lisa Beaver and Brittany Noss thank you, in advance, for your generosity of time and/or funds, during this unprecedented time of need!

FROM: Bill Waring and the Hanover SDA Church

Please click on the highlighted blue words to connect with each event

Zoom Sabbath School Class

 will begin at 9:30 on Sabbath morning.  You can enter the meeting as early as 9:00 for meditative music with Praise, Testimony and Prayer requests starting at 9:15.  This week's lesson is, "Why is Interpretation Needed?"  Remember to bring 3 or more principles that you apply when you study the Bible.

Hope Awakens

 continues Friday evening at 7pm.  Pastor Bradshaw will  speak on "The Next Superpower" dealing with the Antichrist.  On Sabbath, there will be 2 presentations--one at 2pm and one at 7pm.  These presentations will address the Mark of the Beast and the Fall of Babylon.  Please continue to pray for our guests and the team at It Is Written.  Our team of Bible Workers has already been greatly blessed in this outreach!

Virtual Game Night

 will start at 8:15pm on Saturday evening.  As usual, virtual pizza will be served!



Are you participating in the 100 Days of Prayer?  It's not too late, we are not even halfway there!  Here is this week's daily prayer focus guide. You can also go to the 100 Days of Prayer website. 

If you have an interesting tidbits of news please send it to me, at gettysburg.adventist@gmail.com  I would especially like photos of those helping with the SCCAP - ADOPT A FAMILY Bagged Lunch Project!

Please know, it is more important than ever to keep our church supported with your tithes and offerings, during this historic time. There are two ways to give:

  2. Mail: Gettysburg Seventh-day Adventist Church, PO Box 3038, Gettysburg PA 17325

We thank you in advance for supporting our church!


Please mark your Calendars for a tentative date of May 21st for the GACS Graduation!


Last but not least we mourn the death of Fred Graeff, Rachel's dear husband! Rachel and Fred have been members of the Gettysburg SDA Church a very long time. They recently moved to Virginia to be with their daughter and family. Our deepest condolences are extended to Rachel and the Graeff's.
Last but not least we mourn the death of Fred Graeff and extend our deepest condolences to Rachel. You can send cards to 9106 Conservation Way, Springfield, VA 22153-1016

May God bless you today and every day until He comes! 


Susan Karppala
Gettysburg SDA Communications
Copyright © *2020* *Gettysburg Seventh-day Adventist Church|*, All rights reserved.

Our physical address is:
1495 Biglerville Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Our phone is: 717-334-6522

Our mailing address is:
Gettysburg Seventh-day Adventist Church
PO Box 3038
Gettysburg PA 17325

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