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Hanover Newsletter 05/01/2020

Updated: May 1, 2020





Please click on the highlighted blue words to connect with each event

Zoom Sabbath School Class

 will begin at 9:30 on Sabbath morning.  You can enter the meeting as early as 9:00 for meditative music with Praise, Testimony and Prayer requests starting at 9:15.  This week's lesson is, "By Scripture Alone--Sola Scriptura"  

Pastor Lynn's Sabbath message

,"The Real Sin of Ananias and Sapphira" begins at 11:10.  The scripture reference is Acts 5:1,2 

While nobody is literally passing the offering plate, please be consistent in returning Tithe and Offerings

 at our online giving link or by mailing your gifts to Joann Witta, Treasurer, 4963 Lehman Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362.  Our local church and PA Conference have ongoing expenses that we want to support.  Thank you for your faithfulness!

Are you praying for The Hope Awakens Seminar

?  It continues on Friday at 7pm.  Meetings are Friday, Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening at 7pm, 10 pm and 1am.  This Sabbath will be the first Saturday morning presentation. It will be presented at both 11am and 2pm so that you can enjoy both Pastor Lynn and Pastor Bradshaw. There will also be the regular presentation on Saturday evening. Please continue to invite everyone to participate and register at HopeAwakens.org.  

With the possibility of a change in Covid-19 restrictions, your Church Board is looking at options for re-opening the church.  Look for more details as plans are developed.  "Groups no larger than 25" is one of the guidelines that we will be working with. We solicit your ideas and prayers.

Virtual Game Night

  starts at 8:10pm on Saturday night. Enjoy fun with friends

playing Pictionary, Codenames and even a Scavenger Hunt for all!


