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March 27, 2020

Updated: March 27, 2020


Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Columbia Union Designates Special Day of Prayer

Sabbath, March 28, 2020

Leaders of the Columbia Union Conference and its eight local conferences, health care networks and higher educational institutions are asking members to participate in a special day of prayer, Sabbath, March 28.


This comes as the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis intensifies, leaving churches and schools closed; numerous upcoming alumni weekends, graduations, camp meetings and summer camps canceled; and more and more people becoming ill and dying every day.


“As people of faith, we believe that despite all that is happening right now, God is in control. And we believe in the power of prayer. As we read the Bible and claim His promises, we want to ‘pray without ceasing’ (1 Thess. 5:17) for our members, neighbors and communities; for those who are vulnerable and have underlying conditions; and for everyone who has been impacted by this terrible virus,” says Dave Weigley, president. “We also want to pray for government officials, community leaders, first responders, health care workers and scientists who are leading the fight against it.”


On Friday, March 27, at 9 a.m., President Weigley will meet with leaders of the union, local conferences, health care networks and university to pray. “As a leadership team, we will be gathering via video conference to pray for our members, pastors, teachers, churches, schools, hospitals and ministries,” he notes. “And then on Sabbath, March 28, we want to ask our entire union family—wherever you are—to join us in praying for an end to this crisis and the fear and suffering it is causing.”


Prayer Requests

Members may post prayer requests on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #ColumbiaUnionPrays.


Video Message Coming Thursday

President Weigley will also post a short video message of encouragement that is intended to be shared during online worship services, small group meetings and via social media this Friday and Sabbath.


“Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9, NKJV).